For those that followed the proceedings of Copenhagen 2009 – remember, that forgetful meeting back in December 2009 that was considered to be the world's chance to agree a successor to Kyoto and would bring about meaningful carbon cuts.
Many might not be aware, this wasn’t a first for Copenhagen. Some of the worlds most respected physicists assembled in the October 1927 Fifth Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons to discuss the newly formulated quantum theory. At that conference, Heisenberg and Born claimed quantum mechanics to be a complete theory for which the fundamental physical and mathematical hypotheses are no longer susceptible of modification.
Not everyone agreed with the new interpretation, or with Born and Heisenberg's statement about future work. Einstein and Schrödinger were among the most notable dissenters. Einstein, was so disenchanted with with this work, he famously remarked - "God does not play dice."
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