These days people don’t necessarily have to embarrassing monikers to change their names. You may not recognize the names Mr. Marion Morrison, aka John Wayne and Mr. Reginald Dwight, read Elton John.
It seems, in England at least changing one's name has become increasingly popular. According to the latest figures from the UK Deed Poll Service, 30% more applications were processed in September compared with the same month the previous year.
It is estimated that a record 58,000 people will change their name by the end of 2011 - an increase of 4,000 on the previous year. A decade ago, only 5,000 people changed their names.
There is a celebrity influence as the UK Deed Poll Service has confirmed 15 new Wayne Rooneys, 5 Amy Winehouses and 30 Michael Jacksons as well as nearly 200 people with "Danger" as their middle name.
Some seem to change their name for different reasons all together. Consider for example, 300 people opted for John Smith – a good, solid, albeit less inspired choice. Some change their name as an escape. US-born model and niece of Osama Bin Laden, Wafah Dufour, took her mother's maiden name after the events of 11 September 2001.
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