Friday, March 23, 2012

Sydney's Monorail and the Simpsons

Jack Dikian
March 2012

Today we learned that the Sydney Monorail will be torn down. That in itself is no big news given the relatively small number of passengers who use it. What is interesting tho is like in so many examples how reality follows fiction.

For those who are fans of the Simpsons will remember the "Marge vs. the Monorail" episode back in 1993. After being caught dumping nuclear waste in the city park by the EPA, Burns is fined $3 million. A town meeting is immediately held so that the citizens can decide what to spend the money on and Marge suggests that the city use the money to fix up Main Street, which is in poor condition. The town shows enthusiasm for this idea and is about to vote for it when suddenly a sleazy, silver-tongued, fast-talking Lyle Lanley suggests that the town construct a city monorail. He leads them in a song, which convinces the town to buy the monorail.

The Sydney monorail was a controversial project that was first mentioned as a part of the state's $200 million dollar plan to redevelop Darling Harbour. The “elevated people mover” was hailed as Sydney's gateway to the new entertainment precinct and more broadly into the 21st century.

In the four years before it opened, the $60 million project attracted many critics and provoked a string of protests. More than 7000 people took to the streets of Sydney on July 20, 1986 in a protest organised by the Sydney Citizens Against Proposed Monorail group.

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