Saturday, July 14, 2012

YOLO code for irresponsible behaviors

So is “YOLO the latest craze trending ion Twitter, Facebook and amongst teens. The acronym for the phrase “you only live once” which is often used as a hashtag on Twitter to bring attention to exciting events or an excuse for irresponsible behaviors. "You Only Live Once," is used to signal that they're about to make a bad decision, has recently become huge with everyone else.

Living in the now is really less about living, and more an entitlement to self-indulgence, a title that people throw around because it supposedly gives the perception of someone who is grabbing life by the balls. But the “living” had dwindled down to a slew of romanticized notions of “fun,” as dictated by the girls and boys of Gossip Girl (alcohol, sex, drama).

Most historians credit the hip-hop artist Drake, who observed, "You only live once, that's the motto nigga Y.O.L.O." on his hit song "The Motto."

In 2011 the Twitter analytics site Trendistic reports that tweets with the keyword “yolo” picked a day after Drake tweeted the balcony photo closely followed by official music video. in December 16th, 2011, The Huffington Post published a photo of the actor Zac Efron with “YOLO” tattooed on his right hand. In the 3rd season of the NBC reality show The Average Joe. Mesh launched the “You Only Live Once” (YOLO) clothing line on in 2004.

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